Simplr Collection - Launching your NFTs has never been Simplr. | Product Hunt

The NFT smart contract you want, without the hassle

An easy-to-use no-code platform for creating NFT smart-contracts and launching your NFT collection without the hassle.

Create for Free

* Not credit card required


Free to Use

Only Pay Gas

Create Any Type Of NFTs

PFPs, Media, Tickets, Passes, etc.
Easy to Use Dashboard
Easily manage your contract
2 Types Of Smart Contracts
ERC721 and ERC721A
Simplr Collection
No code platform to create your NFT collection, hassle free.
Simplr Bridge
Simplr Bridge - First ever cross-chain bridge for NFTs.
Simplr Passes
Create badges & membership access using ERC1155
Simplr Govern
Convert your NFT Communities into coordinating DAOs.
Simplr Rewards
Give rewards and promos to your users as NFTs.
Simplr Ticker
Create and manage ticketing events for your community.